Nintendo Sees Switch Growth in New Markets Thanks to Mario Movie, Eyes Southeast Asia Expansion – GAMELADE

Nintendo Sees Switch Growth in New Markets Thanks to Mario Movie, Eyes Southeast Asia Expansion – GAMELADE

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Game online Gamelade – Movie Sparks Sales in Mexico and South America, Despite Overall Decline

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— Nguyen Xuan Chinh

DA NANG, VIETNAM, February 13, 2024 / — The Super Mario Bros movie may not have been a direct box office hit everywhere, but it seems its influence traveled further than just ticket sales. Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa recently revealed that the film helped boost Switch console sales in new international markets, despite the console’s overall decline.

Targeted Promotions in Mexico and South America Yield Results:

While the movie itself wasn’t shown in every region where Nintendo Switch is available, Furukawa said the company strategically ran promotional campaigns in certain areas, like Mexico and South America. These efforts, exceeding Nintendo’s usual holiday marketing pushes, led to a rise in Switch hardware sales in these regions, even as global sales dipped.

Looking Beyond Traditional Console Sales:

Despite acknowledging challenges in expanding the dedicated console business, Furukawa sees the movie’s impact as an opportunity to expose new audiences to Nintendo and its iconic characters. He pointed to mobile apps as a potential growth area, highlighting their ability to reach wider demographics.

Southeast Asia: A New Frontier for Nintendo:

Furukawa also mentioned Southeast Asia as a key region for future expansion. The company plans to increase visibility and build a larger user base through initiatives like pop-up stores in South Korea and Hong Kong. He further emphasized the role of Super Nintendo World theme park expansions in familiarizing audiences with the brand, ultimately leading them to Nintendo’s dedicated consoles.

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Nguyen Xuan Chinh
XD Media
[email protected]

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