Igor Beaver, a children’s picturebook by 90-year-old new author D. Burton Smith is a Canadian Book Club Awards Finalist.

Igor Beaver, a children’s picturebook by 90-year-old new author D. Burton Smith is a Canadian Book Club Awards Finalist.

Igor Beaver, a Canadian Book Club Awards Finalist.

In this informative, educational, picturebook, enhanced by Paul Hock’s incredible illustrations, Igor, a Canadian Beaver, tells his life-story in his own words.

GUELPH, ONTARIO, CANADA, October 26, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — They met in a senior centre’s creative writing group organized by Marilyn Helmer. Marilyn is the successful author of over thirty children’s books in print through three different publishers. She is the group’s language guru and editor. Paul Hock, the youngest member at 73, is an accomplished musician, storyteller and artistic genius. His amazing illustrations make their picturebooks outstanding.

Don, the oldest member at 90, has retired from careers as a businessman, business school teacher, and business consultant. He decided to try creative writing to fill the empty hours after losing his lovely wife Jean Isobel, 63 years married, to leukemia. All three are researching critters, writing critter stories, and sharing in the development of each others stories.

These three seniors are creating beautiful, informative, educational, fun-to-read picturebooks about the critters we share this small blue planet with. Each story is told by a critter in its own words, but each story is based on true facts and realistic life-circumstances faced by that critter.

Organized under the corporate structure Critteraweek Inc. the three have published twelve critter picturebooks to date thru Amazon, with a thirteenth book coming soon. Their picturebooks were awarded Book-of-the-Year gold medal status for an animal series by Creative Child Magazine. Five of their picturebooks have received 5-star reviews from three different organizations, Readers Favorite Book Reviews, Reader’s Choice Awards and The Online Book Club. One of their picturebooks, Quoth the Raven, is a finalist with Readers Choice Awards.

For more information about these people and their picturebooks contact [email protected] or go to www.critteraweek.com where a 5-star critter picturebook, Rudi Caribou, is available as a free pdf download.

Donald Burton Smith
Critteraweek Inc.
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/659716372/igor-beaver-a-children-s-picturebook-by-90-year-old-new-author-d-burton-smith-is-a-canadian-book-club-awards-finalist