World Premiere — THE PAINTING (Feature Documentary for Academy Award Consideration) 5 Acre Taos Land Give-away

World Premiere — THE PAINTING (Feature Documentary for Academy Award Consideration) 5 Acre Taos Land Give-away

The Painting poster

Laemmle’s Royal Theater (LA) Nov. 10-16, 2023 – An Artist Meets his Muse and Discovers the Power of Magical Thinking

We die, art lives.
Now you know the message.
It’s the understanding it that is harder.
But not as hard as living it.”

— Robert McGarvey

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, US, October 24, 2023 / — World Premiere — THE PAINTING

Laemmle’s Royal Theater Nov. 10-16, 2023

Qualifying for Academy Award Consideration “BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY”

We’re requesting a film review and possibly a more detailed article on the “Next Big Deal” in Hollywood — the OLD FILMMAKER resurrecting & breaking out to win the Academy Award.

We will be giving 5 ACRES of land in Taos, NM to one lucky audience member attending this one week run. Our only caveat is at least 1,000 tickets must be sold during this week to trigger awarding the 5 acres.

This film was shot in one day by myself both in front of and behind the camera, (my iPhone).

I’m attaching in this document a synopsis & a Filmmaker’s Statement & links to a Vimeo Showcase which includes, a full show screener and trailers for THE PAINTING and a link to some history on myself in my archival website…enjoy my dementia…


Jeffrey F. Jackson



T: 575-770-2685

[email protected]

Synopsis: THE PAINTING, The Artist Meets the Muse

A dying filmmaker decides to create a giant painting utilizing a model as a ‘Human Paintbrush’. He finds a young woman on Tinder and films her from the first moment he picks her up and brings her to his studio in Taos, NM where he strips her naked, pours paint all over her body and rolls her on an 8’ by 16’ canvas… viola’ THE PAINTING…shot in a single day. It’s not just a painting, it’s an Artist meeting his Muse and discovering the power of Magical Thinking transcending his death and preconceived notions of Art Love and Money.

The Filmmaker’s Statement – THE PAINTING

One day in the life of an artist/filmmaker who swore he was done making films. He was content with his life, his history. He hadn’t become the next big thing in Hollywood as he had imagined in his youth. He had fled to Taos, NM many years earlier to hide from those unfulfilled dreams. He was ‘out to pasture’ waiting to die, but happy. He’d tried his best and that had to do.

“I just want to be laughing when I die,” he’d told his therapist who he met with every Friday. Yet, he couldn’t help himself and he filmed all of his therapy sessions. He’s up to 251 recorded sessions. And excerpts of those sessions became part of the narration of THE PAINTING.

He realized he’d been an artist his whole life and one of his mantra’s was, “the measure of an artist is the willingness to be vulnerable in your work and with your audience.” Towards that end he thought he might upload all those therapy sessions to YouTube and make them available to the public as a sort of time capsule for the world to see what they had missed.

He had funded all of his films himself, knowingly breaking one of the cardinal rules of Hollywood, always use OPM (Other People’s Money). As a result he was constantly bringing both himself and his family to the verge of bankruptcy.

His story was not sad or depressing because he lived a magical life. The Taos Mountain had blessed him and literally funded his freedom as an artist.

And, that is where THE PAINTING begins… He got it into his head he wanted to create a giant painting (8’x15’) and he wanted to use a model as a human paintbrush (his Magic Paintbrush).

So, he stumbled around social media and found a young woman who seemed even more eccentric than himself. He drove to Santa Fe to pick her up and bring her back to his studio. But again, he couldn’t help himself, he put his camera up on a dashboard mount and filmed themselves from that first moment and in one day they created an entire film. He’d found his ‘Muse’… Viola’ THE PAINTING…

THE PAINTING – Screener / Trailers / Teasers

FILMMAKER HISTORY – More than you might want to know…


Jeffrey F Jackson
Taos Land & Film
+1 575-770-2685
[email protected]
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Originally published at