“Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh” world premiere at Filmhuis Klappei in Antwerp, Belgium, December 9

“Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh” world premiere at Filmhuis Klappei in Antwerp, Belgium, December 9

Giuliano Tomassacci’s Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh starring Michela Bruni world premiere to be held in Antwerp

Woman model face mosaic

Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh to be premiered at Klappein in Antwerp

Woman in captivating woods

Michela Bruni starring in Giuliano Tomassacci’s Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh

Giuliano Tomassacci’s feature debut movie starring Michela Bruni will be premiered in Antwerp in its 7 hours and 22 minutes full length.

ANTWERP, ANTWERPEN, BELGIUM, December 4, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Split-Vision Development, with the partnership of Società Dante Alighieri of Antwerp, is proud to announce the world theatrical premiere of Giuliano Tomassacci’s “Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh” at Filmhuis Klappei in Antwerp on December 9, 2023.

Feature directorial debut for writer and cinematographer Giuliano Tomassacci (Report 51) – who previously directed the sci-fi short movie “Here We Go Again, Rubinot!” – Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh is an experimental arthouse drama, with visceral horror and sci-fi resonances.

Dominated by music and a dense black and white, it stars Michela Bruni as a ruthless and successful top-class manager who, in the aftermath of an emotional shock, becomes pervaded by a sensory spirit and undertakes a purifying – although grievous – voyage. Along with Bruni (who also contributed the script) the cast also features Samantha Abear, Claudio Losavio, Corinna Coroneo, Piervito Bonifacio, Federica Pocaterra, Giorgia Grillo, Fabio Gagliardi, Marina Lorè and Clarice Ching.

The original score is by Stefano G. Falcone and production design by Cristiana Fasano. Giulia Stronati and Federica Salamone provided the special makeup effects.

Semifinalist at the 2022 Chicago International Blow-up Arthouse Film Festival, Three Mirrors Creature’s Flashes of Flesh is produced by Tomassacci through his Split-Vision Development and filmed between Lazio and Umbria – including the evocative locations of Montelovesco (Gubbio) and Cottanello (Rieti) among the protagonist’s ascetic halts – with the collaboration of Nocte Film and SDM Enterprise.

The 7 hours and 22 minutes motion picture whose production lasted about 3 years was described by its director as a semi-silent concert film with sporadic intertitles: there is deliberately no audible dialogues-track. Therefore, when score and sounds do not occur, the film is completely silent. The whole alternation of silence, music and sounds over a 7 hours movie conveys a deeply, unusual and immersive one-of-a-kind audiovisual experience.

The world theatrical premiere at Filmhuis Klappei in Antwerp on December 9, 2023, starting at 10:00 AM (free entry), will present the feature movie in its full-length of 7 hours and 22 minutes for the very first time, interspersed with 4 intermissions specifically conceived for the event and corresponding with the character halts and developments throughout the narrative. Due to the program duration and to allow spectators to follow and better tune with Dangel’s journey towards Angel and then Daemon (Bruni’s performance’s three facets), a printed house programme will be available for the audience upon entering the Klappei’s movie theatre.

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Originally published at http://www.einpresswire.com/article/672752627/three-mirrors-creature-s-flashes-of-flesh-world-premiere-at-filmhuis-klappei-in-antwerp-belgium-december-9