Screenwriters Learn How to Turn a Screenplay into a Book: On Demand Workshop by NancyFultonMeetups

Screenwriters Learn How to Turn a Screenplay into a Book: On Demand Workshop by NancyFultonMeetups

Learn How to Convert a Screenplay into a Profitable Book Fast On Demand Workshop from Nancy Fulton Meetups

Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Author, Podcasting Training by Nancy Fulton Founder

Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Author, Podcasting Training by Nancy Fulton Founder

Selling an original screenplay is hard, but turning a screenplay into a profitable book is easy with help from

Selling an original screenplay is hard, in today’s but turning a screenplay into a profitable book brings a great plot and amazing characters to audiences worldwide.”

— Nancy Fulton – Writer Producer

UNITED STATES, June 10, 2024 / — Screenwriters who want to learn how to turn a screenplay into a book will enjoy the “Converting a Screenplay into a Book” on-demand workshop from

Producer Nancy Fulton says, “Converting a Screenplay into a Book is an important workshop for screenwriters who have invested thousands of hours in producing screenplays with great characters and gripping plots. Getting a script sold and produced in Hollywood these days is a time consuming, expensive, and frustrating process because many studios aren’t purchasing spec scripts. That means the vast majority of great scripts will never become films.”

Screenwriters following the detailed instructions in this on-demand workshop can give their characters and stories a second chance to thrill people worldwide by creating and publishing a great book.

And a popular book is more interesting to producers than a spec screenplay because it has a proven audience. They know how to market the story, who is most likely to buy it, and what people love about what the writer created. This is why Hollywood licenses so many books for production.

Topics covered in this on-demand workshop include:

Tools that make turning books into screenplays much easier.

Why new trends in books actually favor screenplay authors.

How to revise and update screenplay plots and characters to make a good book work.

Choosing the right point of view and tense for your book project.

Writer/Producer Nancy Fulton has been running workshops to support authors, screenwriters, filmmakers, podcasters, and independent TV producers since 2009. You can find links to workshops, reviews, and ratings for her highly informative media-pro workshops at

Other on-demand workshops from include:

How to Write a Book or Screenplay in 40-to-80 Hours with Smart Sprints

Podcast Quick Launch & Worldwide Release

Amazon Kindle Select Book Publishing

Screenwriters will find many free on-demand workshops exploring Copyright, Work-for-Hire, and Right-of-Publicity from NancyFultonMeetups useful as they begin to publish their works as books.

Links to free workshops and more information about Nancy Fulton and her work can be found at

About Nancy Fulton Meetups

Nancy Fulton has been running several online and face-to-face workshops for producers, authors, screenwriters, performers, and experts selling services since 2015. She has 60,000+ followers and an extensive library of in-depth training resources available at

Nancy Fulton
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Converting a Screenplay Into a Book

Originally published at