Robert Budahl is a Licensed Real Estate Agent with Realty Connect

Robert Budahl is a Licensed Real Estate Agent with Realty Connect

An added webpage landing site revolutionizes Robert’s business.

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2024 / — Robert has added a feature that his broker Realty Connect provides, which is a landing page for potential customers to find out about services offered, agent credentials and an online contact form. This webpage has revolutionized his services. In 2017 Robert Budahl once again became licensed in Real Estate and specializes in connecting customers to agents that best serve their customers. He is friendly and functions adeptly in his role. His prior employment history prepared him for a position in which social skills are paramount. And from 1993 until 1996 Robert worked as a full-service Real Estate agent and worked directly in sales. Also, he has about eight years of banking experience, which includes a term as a bank branch manager. He diligently pursues activities that increase customers interest and awareness in the Real Estate industry. He has a periodical newsletter that about two hundred people subscribe to. Please visit his website and see if his services interest you.

Robert is from the Midwest and endured serious health issues from 2014 until March of 2017, when he received a life-saving liver transplant. It was an event that defines him. This event taught Robert lessons that better him as a businessperson and human being. Resilience was the key factor to achieve success in his health battle. And resilience is something to which Robert adheres too in all his undertakings. Educated with three university programs, the last one was one he excelled in and taught him the tradecraft of research, analysis, and writing. Research and analysis are key components in the Real Estate industry. It does strengthen his abilities as a referral agent. Another educational track Robert completed was paralegal training. This provides a basic legal understanding of many aspects of a highly document orientated business-like Real Estate. Robert introduces the agent to his broker resources, who takes over the transaction which he initiated for the customer. (or if the customer used the contact form on the website)

Robert Budahl
Robert Budahl With Realty Connect
+1 605-951-3004
[email protected]

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