Jennifer Flores Awarded Aspire2STEAM Scholarship

Jennifer Flores Awarded Aspire2STEAM Scholarship

Jennifer Flores, Aspire2STEAM Scholarship Recipient

Aspiring Mechanical Engineer Uses Artistic Gifts to Create Innovative Solutions and Inspires Others to Never Stop Dreaming

I hope to be an inspiration to those who follow after me, encouraging them to dream big, no matter the path life takes them.”

— Jennifer Flores

ANKENY, IA, UNITED STATES, January 24, 2024 / —, which provides educational scholarships and mentoring to young women and girls who are working toward careers that require education in science, tech, engineering, the arts, or math (STEAM), has awarded Jennifer Flores a LEGACY scholarship.

Jennifer is in her senior year at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Art and Design. “Jennifer has a genuine joy for mechanical engineering, which she approaches with an artist’s eye on design innovation,” said Cheryl O’Donoghue, CEO at Aspire2STEAM. “She also has a clear understanding of who she is and how she can lead and inspire other women as they pursue STEAM fields. We’re excited to see what she does next.”

Jennifer is not your typical engineering student. Rather than focusing solely on math and science like most other engineering students, she has continued to grow her passion for the arts. Obtaining an art minor enables Jennifer to explore her love for drawing and animation while also building the foundation for a successful career in engineering. Combining the two broadens her problem-solving abilities and gives her a unique perspective to design issues. “Whenever I tell people I’m pursuing an art minor, they respond with surprise and intrigue. Combining art and engineering is a goal I am striving to achieve as I believe doing so will help me further improve my designs and career,” said Jennifer.

At Purdue, Jennifer participates in two American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Clubs; she’s a member of both the Rube Goldberg and Small Projects teams. Jennifer enjoys the hands-on experiences these groups provide as she learns to break down complex engineering processes to complete a given task. One project that stands out for Jennifer was building a remote controlled, two-foot-long row boat out of 3D printed parts and a considerable amount of flex tape. The project turned out quite well and attracted positive attention for her capabilities.

Additionally, Jennifer completed a successful internship with Caterpillar, the world’s largest construction equipment manufacturer, at their Tucson proving grounds. She worked with large mining trucks and learned about the testing aspect of engineering—an area that interested her and one she plans to explore more fully.

“I had a lot of fun at Caterpillar, learning how to think on my feet when issues arose and how to clearly communicate between mechanics and engineers,” said Jennifer. “I also ran a couple of my own tests on the large mining trucks, experiencing the ups and downs of the engineering cycle.”

After experiencing the pandemic, Jennifer finds comfort in knowing that things can change and careers can take you on different and exciting journeys, especially if you keep an open mind. She learned that, no matter what, she will always be following her interests and engaging in activities that are meaningful to her. “Five years from now, I could be working at a testing facility, on a movie project, or on the planet Mars!” said Jennifer. “The only thing I know for certain is that I will be doing what I love, creating and expanding my knowledge. Also, I was inspired by the women before me. I hope to be an inspiration to those who follow after me, encouraging them to dream big, no matter the path life takes them.”

About Aspire2STEAM

Help us fund more scholarships for students like Jennifer! Donate now. Your kindness is a catalyst for change and self-empowerment for the young women and girls we serve.

Established in 2018, is a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which has earned Guidestar’s Gold Seal for integrity, transparency, and accountability. Aspire2STEAM provides educational scholarships and mentoring to young women and girls who are working hard—aspiring—to achieve careers that require education in science, tech, engineering, the arts, or math. Aspire2STEAM is committed to helping women and girls with a hand up over the incredible barriers of student debt and rising education costs, and the real, ever-present opportunity barriers that keep them out of most male-dominated industries.

Scholarship Applications Accepted Year-Round! Share this online application today.

Cheryl O’Donoghue
[email protected]

Meet Jennifer Flores

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