David Bauer Releases New Book Of Rhyming Short Stories: “Untold Stories Of America”

David Bauer Releases New Book Of Rhyming Short Stories: “Untold Stories Of America”

Untold Stories Of America

Untold Stories Of America is a book of short stories that rhyme. At the end of the short stories is a short biography of the author’s unbelievable life story.

AKRON, OHIO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, February 21, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — “Untold Stories Of America” is a new book by author David Bauer that is a book short stories that not only captivating readers with its unique rhyming style, but also sheds light on the author’s own unbelievable life story.

Bauer’s book is a compilation of short stories that all have clever rhymes. But what makes this book truly remarkable is the short biography of the author that follows. Bauer’s life has been anything but ordinary, as he shares his experience of being abducted by his own father and forced to live as a girl while on the run from the FBI for nearly a year.

As if that wasn’t enough, Bauer’s life took another unexpected turn when he fell in love with a childhood friend. He began writing love letters to her, but little did he know that she would later press criminal charges against him. This shocking turn of events is just one of the many untold stories that Bauer shares in his book.

“Untold Stories Of America” is not just a book of fiction, but a glimpse into the real-life struggles and triumphs of its author. Bauer’s raw and honest storytelling will leave readers on the edge of their seats, eager to turn the page and discover what other untold stories he has to share.

This book is a must-read for anyone looking for a unique and thought-provoking read. “Untold Stories Of America” is now available on Amazon. Here is a link to the book.

David Bauer
Author of Untold Stories Of America
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/690320927/david-bauer-releases-new-book-of-rhyming-short-stories-untold-stories-of-america