Sterna Paradisaea: New Publishing Company from Up and Coming Children’s Writer

Sterna Paradisaea: New Publishing Company from Up and Coming Children’s Writer

Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea

Bird Sterna Paradisaea

Sterna Paradisaea

It all started with Shark Baroni And The Stars in the Sea, a tale full of wonder, and a wish from a new Author in the block.

One must not forget to look at life with the eyes of a child”

— Henri Matisse

MUNICH, GERMANY, December 12, 2023 / — The mysterious treasure chest

Shark Baroni, the guardian of the oceans, is searching for peace and quiet in the vastness of the sea. He discovers his favourite food and devours it in one bite. But was it really his favourite food? No, it was a long-lost treasure chest with starry contents. It is the fantasy of a child that emerges in these lines. Who is this shark Baroni? And what’s the story behind the “unusual” author? More on this later…

Every adult has this thought, when not now and then, at least once: “To be a child again…”. The endless hours without worries or obligations. Like the little ones, gifted by the joy of time, the fun of play dates with friends and the freedom of letting their thoughts run as they please. A child’s imagination borders on infinity. The publishing house Sterna Paradisaea has discovered this phenomenon and has now set itself the goal of encouraging children’s creativity and thus inspiring them worldwide.

Sterna Paradisaea is a newly founded publishing house with an exciting target group: authors aged 6 to 10 and readers aged 3 to 10. The publishing house not only aims to promote reading skills, but also give children a special platform to voice their thinking, their state of mind. Thousands of thoughts and fantasies are buzzing around in little heads. Why should these stories get lost? It is much better to write the stories down and share them with the world. Completely unadulterated, straight from the child’s head.

The publishing house was born out of a very personal story. The founders are parents of a now ten-year-old son. In 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus lockdown, the six-year-old Leron Mika’il had a special dream. Even at a young age, he had a strong imagination and was passionate about stories of all kinds. Unique characters, exciting fable worlds and – from an adult perspective – unusual plots.

Leron Mika’il enjoys his life the way many children do. When he’s not at school or taking violin and Arabic lessons, he spends his time playing and fooling around. He watches television and tries to beat his father in Nintendo racing games. He also loves gardening and building. One day he would like to become an architect. Singing and drawing are also among his passions. So much creativity surrounds the little boy, who started writing short stories at a very early age.

During the lockdown, a time without social contact, the child was inspired to bundle his thoughts into a story and put them down on paper. Simply and freely, without giving it any complicated thought. The parents saw how much their son was carried by this experience. The difficult time became more bearable through writing, creativity and imagination. The parents realised at that moment that they wanted to give this fantastic opportunity to all children in the world. All children should have the opportunity to realise themselves as authors and write down their dream worlds.

The result of Leron’s experience is the aforementioned children’s book “Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea”.

Shark Baroni is the guardian of the oceans with a vast knowledge of all the corners and inhabitants of the seven seas. On a sunny day, he swims out into the vastness of the ocean in search of some peace and quiet. There he feels very hungry and accidentally discovers his favourite food, which he devours immediately.

But was it really his favourite food? Or was it something else? Something inexplicable? It was a long-lost treasure chest with marvellous and starry contents…

The young author’s book about shark Baroni is intended to give children the wonderful feeling of what it means to share beautiful experiences and the treasures of this world with others.

When children write, the lines take on a special touch. Children don’t think much about how our world works. They write the way they see their surroundings. And of course, the perspective differs from child to child.

Depending on the environment they have grown up in, what interests they have and how they are brought up. But they have one thing in common: an almost unadulterated view of life that creates a connection between all children in the world. No matter where the children come from, what cultures they live in or what language they speak. All that counts is freedom of thought.

It is these views that Sterna Paradisaea wants to bring together. The children should learn from each other and benefit from each other. Their reading skills should be encouraged by literally absorbing the thoughts of other little people. Because why should they limit themselves to their own fantasies? It’s just as exciting to immerse themselves in the minds of their peers. This connection introduces them to the importance of exchanging ideas and relationships at a young age.

Of course, this does not mean that adults are not allowed to read the books – even if it seems unusual at first glance. Perhaps it is also exciting for parents to take a look inside the heads of other children? And perhaps this will lead to a completely different view of our world? Fantastic processes take place in little minds that are worth sharing with the world.

Sterna Paradisaea brings all these factors together in an impressive way and offers young authors a perfect platform for this exchange. With their first publication “Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea”, they have now laid the foundation for realising their vision. I wonder what will be inside the lost treasure chest?

About The Author

The author is currently ten years old, and he has written this book with an aim to inspire other children to write and share their experiences and stories with the world. Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea available at

Fauzia & Roland Haun are available for interviews, covers/photographs and can be reach through Fauzia Haun at [email protected] /+4916095712987.

Company Name: Sterna Paradisaea


Fauzia Haun
Sterna Paradisaea
+49 160 95712987
[email protected]
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