Fourth Annual New Year’s 28-Day Flow Challenge Starts on New Year’s Day

Fourth Annual New Year’s 28-Day Flow Challenge Starts on New Year’s Day

Laurie Smith, founder of The 28-Day Flow Challenge

Why Doing a Daily Activity You Love Might Be The Best New Year’s Resolution You Could Make

Making flow into a habit is a great way to start off the New Year.”

— Laurie Smith

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, January 1, 2024 / — Are you ready to feel more positive, an increased sense of purpose, and more fulfillment in your daily life? Author and Intuitive Life Coach Laurie Smith is thrilled to announce her much-anticipated New Year’s 28-Day Flow Challenge, set to kick off on January 1st, 2024.

“New Year’s resolutions often focus on what’s not working in our lives. We can quickly shift from feeling motivated to focusing on what’s wrong with us,” explained Laurie Smith, Flow Coach, and Founder of The 28-Day Flow Challenge.

The 28-Day Flow Challenge takes a different approach. Participants choose a simple five to 10 minute activity that brings them joy and has a high chance of getting them into a flow state. Flow, often referred to as being “in the zone,” is a state where individuals are so engaged in what they are doing that they experience optimal focus, creativity, and productivity.

Smith originally created The 28-Day Flow Challenge to manage her own stress related to the pandemic.

“At the start of the lockdown, I challenged myself to write in flow every day, mostly as a way of managing my own stress,” said Laurie Smith, who is also the mother of two teenagers. Not only did her daily flow practice help her restart her writing practice, it also boosted her energy, moods and sense of purpose.

“When I realized how doing an activity that brings me joy and gets me into flow on a regular basis was helping me, I wanted to share. Even small moments of flow can make a big difference.” said Smith. She invited friends to join her, friends invited friends, and a creative community grew.

Since March 2020, Laurie has offered her 28-Day Flow Challenge more than twenty times. The program has spread primarily through word-of-mouth, has included participants from Africa, India, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, England, Australia, more than 30 of the United States, and continues to grow.

Each participant chooses their own daily flow activity and receives daily inspirational emails and meditations to support them on their journey, as well as invitations to free online group coaching sessions. Her New Year’s Flow Challenge, which always begins on January 1st is a favorite.

“I continue to offer my Flow Challenges for free because I believe in them so much,” said Smith. “I continually receive messages from participants with stories about how The 28-Day Flow Challenge has positively changed their lives. As we gradually create flow as a habit–and start trusting ourselves and honoring what brings us joy–our overall lives flow better. Making flow into a habit is a great way to start off the New Year.”

Research shows that when we get into a flow state, our bodies release neurotransmitters and feel-good hormones, and our creativity and intuition increases. Studies also show that doing creative hobbies and activities that bring us joy can improve our overall well-being.

“Even if we don’t experience a flow state every time we do our flow activity, we still experience benefits,” said Smith.

“I firmly believe that each person knows what they really need and want,” said Laurie. “The beauty of flow is that when we’re doing activities that bring us joy, we often connect with a deep sense of peace, what some call our egoless or True Selves. That’s incredibly powerful.”

To secure their spot and receive further details, interested participants can register at or email [email protected].

Laurie Smith is a meditation teacher and intuitive coach, as well as the author of Leap With Me: A Creative Path to Finding and Following Your True Voice, a 498-page guidebook filled with more than 350 prompts, stories and tips on living with more flow, creativity, and joy. She has been facilitating workshops on stress management, intuition and flow for more than 25 years. She has a B.A. in Communications from The University of Pennsylvania and lives near San Francisco with her two kids and husband and best friend for more than 30 years. She is available for interviews and speaking engagements on the power of flow. For more information, see

Laurie Smith
Laurie Smith llc
[email protected]

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