Canine Allergy Testing Company Develops New Food Recommendation Service For Dogs

Canine Allergy Testing Company Develops New Food Recommendation Service For Dogs

DNA MY Dog Canine Testing Services

DNA My Dog unveils custom food recommendation service for canines, giving pet parents peace of mind about what they feed their pups.

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANA, January 25, 2024 / — DNA My Dog, a leading canine DNA testing company based out of Toronto, ON, has developed a new food recommendation service for dogs. In tandem with the company’s Canine Allergy Test, the new service will provide pet parents with a custom list of foods that are suitable for their dog based on their allergy test results.

Allergy testing customers will receive a customized list of foods that do not contain any of the ingredients their dog reacted to. Designed with convenience in mind, customers can simply click on the links provided in their dog’s report to order foods directly from a trusted retailer and have them delivered straight to their door.

The food recommendation results offer pet parents an affordable, reliable alternative to time-consuming elimination diets and the process of trial-and-error. Allergy-related issues are one of the top reasons for veterinary visits for dogs in North America, with skin allergies claiming the number one reason.

“Time and time again, we hear from pup parents struggling to alleviate allergy symptoms like itchy skin, digestion issues, and chronic ear infections.” Says DNA My Dog’s CEO, Mindy Tenenbaum. “Helping build strong bonds between dogs and people is in our DNA. We created our food recommendation engine to equip pet owners with the information they need to find foods and supplements that fit their dog’s unique dietary needs.”

DNA My Dog’s Canine Allergy Test also covers a wide scope of environmental allergens such as ragweed, insects, pollen, and mold.


A Canadian-owned and operated business, DNA My Dog is one of the longest-standing canine genetics testing companies in North America and has had a front-row seat in the evolving relationship between people and their pups since 2008.

In addition to the Canine Allergy Test and Food Recommendation service, DNA My Dog offers Essential and Premium Breed ID tests, which can identify over 350 breeds, genetic health concerns, and personality traits, a Patent Pending Genetic Age test that can give an accurate biological age for their pet and act as an early indicator of disease, and a Deceased Canine DNA Test, providing closure to people whose pups have passed on.

Jessica Barnett
DNA My Dog
+1 416-691-4160
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