Wilmette Freemasons Generously Donate Member-Authored Books to Enrich Chicago Schools

Wilmette Freemasons Generously Donate Member-Authored Books to Enrich Chicago Schools

Wilmette Freemason Donates Books to Chicago Schools, Enriching Young Minds

James Dobbs, Vice President of Wilmette Freemasons, Working Diligently in His Lodge Chair, Exemplifying Community Leadership and Dedication

James Dobbs, Vice President of Wilmette Freemasons, Working Diligently From in His Lodge Chair

Freemason Arpan Shah Visiting Walt Disney Magnet School in the Uptown-Buena Park neighborhood of Chicago

Freemason Arpan Shah Visiting Walt Disney Magnet School in the Uptown-Buena Park neighborhood of Chicago

Wilmette Freemason Lodge, has donated a book written by Arpan V. Shah to Chicago schools. The book is a heartwarming children’s book, Daddy Goes To Work.

Daddy Goes to Work addresses a critical aspect of emotional development. As a father and Mason I felt it was my duty to see that this book made it to children.”

— James Dobbs Wilmette Freemason VP

CHICAGO, IL, USA, June 18, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Wilmette Park Freemasons have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to both their members and the broader community by donating member-authored children’s books to enrich Chicago schools. Local author and esteemed member, Arpan V. Shah, has written a heartwarming children’s book titled “Daddy Goes to Work.” Designed to ease separation anxiety in young children when their fathers leave for work, the book has garnered significant attention and praise.

Shah said: “My efforts to both write and distribute my book have been hindered by the financial strain of an ongoing, emotionally taxing custody battle. The book itself though is a labor of love and I believe it can help young children understand why their fathers aren’t home when at work” Recognizing Shah’s dedication and the book’s positive impact, the Wilmette Park Freemasons have stepped in to support his mission. Through the generosity of Lodge Vice President, James Dobbs, numerous copies of “Daddy Goes to Work” have been donated to various institutions, including the Head Start program in Rogers Park.

“This book, “Daddy Goes to Work”, addresses a critical aspect of emotional development, fostering a sense of connection between children and their fathers. As both a father and a fellow Mason I felt it was my duty to see that this book made it to children in our community while supporting my friend and Masonic Brother Arpan.” Said James Dobbs

Studies have shown that a strong bond with one’s father can significantly enhance a child’s happiness and self-confidence. Despite bureaucratic challenges in distributing the book to public schools and libraries, Shah remains resolute, relying on the support of his community and the Freemasons.

The Head Start program, moved by the book’s rave reviews, requested donations for their classrooms. Shah’s generosity was met with immense gratitude from the staff, and the program’s directors allocated funds to purchase additional copies for their Father’s Day event. This initiative, facilitated by the Wilmette Park Freemasons, underscores the lodge’s longstanding tradition of supporting both its members and the community.

“Daddy Goes to Work” is available for purchase on Amazon and directly from the author at [email protected].

Shah’s outreach efforts included a memorable visit to Walt Disney Magnet School in the Uptown-Buena Park neighborhood of Chicago. During this visit, he engaged with a first-grade classroom, answering students’ questions and sharing his journey as an author, leaving a lasting impression on the young students.

Arpan V. Shah and the Wilmette Freemason Lodge remain eager to collaborate with schools and organizations interested in his book or author readings. His dedication to enriching children’s lives through literature continues to inspire and uplift the community. For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact the current Lodge Vice President at [email protected]. Learn more about the Wilmette Park Freemasons and their community initiatives at wilmettemason.com.

James Dobbs
Wilmette Park Lodge
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/721020310/wilmette-freemasons-generously-donate-member-authored-books-to-enrich-chicago-schools