The MIS-BELIEVER” takes readers on an intense journey

The MIS-BELIEVER” takes readers on an intense journey

The Reincarnation of Leonard

Author Reputation Press

Author Glenn Swanson wrote a suspenseful page-turner narrative that portrays what a father can do to avenge his son’s death.

There is revenge to be had, justice to be meted out and when the pain in my heart is assuaged with his blood, I’ll rest.”

— excerpt from the book

CANTON, MASSACHUSETTS, UNITED STATES, September 15, 2023/ — Glenn Swanson, in partnership with Author Reputation Press (ARP), published the thriller fantasy book “The Reincarnation of Leonard: The MIS-BELIEVER.” This masterpiece presents the story of Leonard, who has cursed himself to live until he avenges his son’s death. He re-enters the time stream as dark forces have infiltrated the highest levels of society—the church, politics, and schemes—to open a gate back in time, the Syne, to alter the past for a more advantageous present. Leonard is a threat to those who control the world because he can influence misbelief in the present.

Glenn Swanson grew up in northern Wisconsin, close to Lake Superior. He served in the military and was smitten by the travel bug and a beautiful friend who has been his love for 37 years. He has traveled to amazing places as a mostly productive vagabond, including the rocky coast of northern Spain, an island in the Mediterranean, the high desert of New Mexico, and the wonderful witchy charm of western New England. At present, he lives in Tennessee. He has found beauty in every one of these places.

As an RN for 23 years, mostly in the emergency department, and as a wanderer, he has met many wonderful people, the preponderance of whom are simply good souls, with the majority of the remainder having been wounded. Malevolent ones are few and far between. He imagines that they are actively stymieing humanity’s enlightenment because he doesn’t want to believe that we are incapable of achieving it.

Early this year, Glenn Swanson shared his inspiration for writing his masterpiece in an interview on the People of Distinction Program, one of the most extensive and wide-ranging radio shows in the United States. Hosted by Benji Cole and Al Cole from CBS Radio, People of Distinction is the right fit for authors who want to increase their exposure to readers. The radio program airs on Apple’s iTunes Radio Network (Professional News/Talk), featuring CBS Radio, Fox News, NPR, and C-Span.

“The Reincarnation of Leonard: The MIS-BELIEVER” by Glenn Swanson was displayed by Author Reputation Press during the 2023 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB) at the University of Southern California. The Los Angeles Times held its much-awaited annual Festival of Books on April 22-23, 2023.

This book was featured in the July 2023 issue of The New York Times Book Review (NTYBR), a non-fiction and fiction book review magazine that is published supplementarily to the Sunday edition of The New York Times. The NYTBR has been one of the most influential and widely read book review publications in the industry. It is the magazine that gave rise to authors and introduced readers to the classics that enhanced their lives.

Recently, a Hollywood movie script coverage and Hollywood movie treatment have been prepared for this book’s qualification for a Hollywood movie presentation. These are then uploaded to a database, which movie makers refer to when searching for a story to adapt into a film. Due to the plot’s intricacy and the number of twists and turns that keep audiences engaged and intrigued, this story would make an excellent film.

“The Reincarnation of Leonard: The MIS-BELIEVER” is now available and distributed worldwide in leading online bookstores. Grab a copy today and enjoy reading a book that’s hard to put down. Click on the links to place your order:

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Author Reputation Press is a leading publishing company located in Canton, Massachusetts. ARP is committed to transforming an author’s imagination into pages and helping them carve out a name for themselves in the literary world.

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