LA woman signs book about Star Wars, Trump and journeying as copies available online

LA woman signs book about Star Wars, Trump and journeying as copies available online

Alysha Scarlett at Barnes & Noble, where her book, “‘Star Wars’ Is Still Intact: Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump” can be found. (photo credit: Barnes & Noble)

Alysha Scarlett wrote “‘Star Wars’ Is Still Intact: Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump,” available through Amazon.

I felt important while signing. That must be how actors feel. Also, I appreciate Barnes & Noble staff’s help. I’m also grateful the book can be ordered through them and sold at B&N and on Amazon.”

— Alysha Scarlett

LOS ANGELES, CALIF., U.S., April 29, 2024 / — A woman of zero fame who is “a transgender” signing copies of her book at a Barnes & Noble bookstore?

Alysha Scarlett wrote “‘Star Wars’ Is Still Intact: Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump.” She signed copies of the book April 14 at Barnes & Noble, where the book is available and can be ordered through a B&N bookseller. It also can be purchased through Amazon.

“It was fun to feel important while signing the books. That must be how actors feel at comic conventions,” Scarlett said. “I appreciate the assistance I received from Barnes & Noble staff to make the signing and physical presence of the books possible. I’m also grateful the book is being sold on Amazon.”

Five of the 10 chapters in Scarlett’s book regard coming to realizations. And in another chapter, Scarlett goes to bat for journalists. The chapter is titled “When you realize that the president of the United States would be cool with assaulting you.”

“‘How would you feel if the overwhelming majority of your neighbors supported a man who would be willing to assault you?’” Scarlett wrote. “‘That may explain why the first thing I did after reading that nearly two-thirds of citizens believe that mainstream media reports ‘a lot of fake news’ was purchase a newspaper that I get for free.’”

Other chapters are about a journey regarding getting out of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“A lot of processing can be involved,” Scarlett said. “So can trauma.”

Not long after departing from the religion, Scarlett faced several challenges. A nurse practitioner noted that despite those things, Scarlett still wasn’t “stealing” and “dealing,” he said. The challenges caused Scarlett to consider things she may not have in other scenarios.

The ordeals started July 12, 2015. That’s when Scarlett’s worldview and identity shattered all at once. After that, her parents abused her. Following that, Scarlett was “railroaded” and “shellacked” by a Utah County judge, an attorney said.

The challenges came over an astounding era in the U.S. Donald Trump won the 2016 American presidential election. That caused a severe cynicism of institutions. And the “Star Wars” franchise roared back.

“It was a unique, incredible time to face major difficulties,” Scarlett said. “It’s like everything, in both my life and in society, was in flux.”

The book’s chapters are as follows:

“When your faith crisis makes you wander 1,003 miles”

“When you have an ideological flirtation with neo-fundamentalism”

“When you come to a realization about sexuality (it might not be what you expect)”

“When you realize that ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ is really not that bad”

“When you realize that you probably shouldn’t celebrate Thanksgiving”

“When you realize that the president of the United States would be cool with assaulting you”

“When you realize that working for Disney’s Lucasfilm could be the letdown of a lifetime”

“When you have a story for the previously announced Obi-Wan Kenobi film”

“When deep-red Utah has a Trump resistance movement”

“When you literally loom large, but are not threatening”

“‘Star Wars’ Is Still Intact: Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump” was published by Thought

Catalog Books. (And on the books being sold at least at the Irvine, Calif. B&N, Scarlett’s pen name is “Rhett Wilkinson.”)

About ‘’Star Wars’ Is Still Intact: Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump’

What if there is a particular day when you fall out of faith?

There was at least that for Alysha Scarlett: July 12, 2015.

Alysha didn’t expect that she would launch an existential crisis or abuse from her parents.

But she had to get out of a cult and that came during an extraordinary cultural time in the United States.

Along the way came insights, narratives, and/or thoughts Alysha had that she may not have thought otherwise.

The book is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and through a B&N bookseller.

About Alysha Scarlett

Alysha Scarlett is an author, screenwriter, 13-time-award-winning journalist and business owner. She is also the first gender nonconforming individual to be legally affirmed in a rural Utah county. Alysha lives in Los Angeles. She loves her two kiddos.

Alysha Scarlett
Flacks PR
+1 213-676-6213
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