Featuring Her Book Into the Canyon with Mary Colter, Dr. Barbara ten Brink Thanks All Attendees of LATFOB 2023

Featuring Her Book Into the Canyon with Mary Colter, Dr. Barbara ten Brink Thanks All Attendees of LATFOB 2023

We Make Stories Come To Life Through Self Publishing

Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies) by Dr. Barbara ten Brink

Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies)

Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies) is Available on Amazon

Featuring Her Book Into the Canyon with Mary Colter, Dr. Barbara ten Brink Thanks All Attendees of LATFOB 2023

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, July 7, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Dr. Barbara ten Brink, author of Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies), expresses appreciation to the attendees and book enthusiasts of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB) 2023 who contributed to the success of the event last April 22-23 at the University of Southern California.

She displayed her 126-page fictional book that talks about Cassidy Powell – a fictitious character based on her family’s history in Brownfield and Lubbock, Texas.

Dr. ten Brink is, to this day, overwhelmed by the reception that her book received from the attendees. Moreover, she expresses her heartfelt gratitude to the event organizers for providing her with the opportunity to promote her book to a more diverse range of audience.

As a response to the enormous support she received from book lovers across the world, Dr. Barbara ten Brink troths to produce more books that will not only entertain readers but also inspire them in life.

Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies) is still available in paperback at Amazon.

Take advantage of the opportunity to gain more insights from Dr. Barbara Ten Brink by visiting her website at https://author-barbaratenbrink.com/. Additionally, for an unforgettable journey into the world of Dr. Barbara ten Brink and her captivating talks at the LATFOB 2023, we warmly invite you to watch the event video at https://youtu.be/glw1SLU4Cqc.

Bright Chavez
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MainSpring Books – Dr. Barbara ten Brink’s Unforgettable Author Interview at the LATFoB 2023

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/643247463/featuring-her-book-into-the-canyon-with-mary-colter-dr-barbara-ten-brink-thanks-all-attendees-of-latfob-2023