Author and Leadership Coach Louise Carnachan Releases Self-Narrated Work Jerks Audiobook

Author and Leadership Coach Louise Carnachan Releases Self-Narrated Work Jerks Audiobook

Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues

A picture of Author Louise Carnachan

Author Louise Carnachan

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BentBeat Productions

Author Louise Carnachan narrates her Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues audiobook at the BentBeat Productions studio.

It’s not the one-off bumbles we all make that qualifies as jerk behavior. It’s a consistent pattern over time that earns someone a place in the Jerk Hall of Fame.”

— Louise Carnachan

PORTLAND, OR, USA, June 1, 2023/ — Although BentBeat Productions is best known for their work with musicians, the Portland-based production studio also specializes in bringing their audiobooks to life. Partnering with author Louise Carnachan, recording Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues provided unexpected moments of laughter, insight and learning. Along with the strong desire to pass her book to loved ones struggling with lousy work situations as quickly as possible.

Carnachan is a seasoned veteran of the work world as an organizational development consultant, leadership coach, and trainer. The School of Hard knocks informs her work, not just her credentials.

“I’ve worked in some pretty miserable situations but needed the paycheck and couldn’t afford to quit,” recalled Carnachan. “When you’re at that point, your options are to find a way to cope and save your sanity or continue to stew and whine while making everyone in your personal life suffer.”

According to Carnachan, the definition of a jerk is in the eye of the beholder: “Not everyone is irritated by the same things. It’s not the one-off bumbles we all make that qualifies as jerk behavior. It’s a consistent pattern over time that earns someone a place in the Jerk Hall of Fame. Of course, the only person you can change is yourself. But even small tweaks in what you think or do can make a big shift in your relationship with a difficult colleague.”

Dave Beatty performed as the sound engineer and producer for the Work Jerks audiobook. “What struck me was how practical the information is,” Beatty said. “This is no academic treatise. This is about real jobs with real people and what you can do to make things better. As Louise went through the descriptions, I could have personally named many of my personal jerks.”

Carnachan outlines nine Jerketypes and their subtypes. Each chapter provides an overall description, then gets into specifics through case studies based on actual scenarios. Each case is followed by a menu of possible actions to choose from given the reader’s situation.

“I really appreciated the quizzes Louise put at the end of each chapter just in case the reader started to wonder if they’re the jerk,” continued Beatty.

Carnachan, who had not ever recorded an audiobook, wondered how well she could narrate it. “I knew I’d be critical of anyone else reading it because it’s written in my voice and with my humor,” she said. “Dave was a wonderful collaborator and gave me a lot of confidence in my ability to do this. He gave me encouragement, feedback on pacing, and caught the goofs I missed—or had hoped to skip over,” Carnachan chuckled.

Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues is available now on Amazon Audible, Barnes & Noble, and wherever you find great audiobooks.

About Louise Carnachan: Currently, Louise is a leadership coach and writer in the Portland, Oregon area. She pens a work advice blog on her website and is also on LinkedIn and Facebook @lacarnachan, and Instagram @louisecauthor. Her book, Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues is available everywhere books are sold (please support your local independent bookstores).

About BentBeat Productions: BentBeat is based in Portland, Oregon. Focusing on partnering with musicians to write, record, and release high quality broadcast-level music through streaming services, social media and traditional distribution. Entire catalog is available on Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify and all major music sites. Please join in supporting musicians.

Dave Beatty
BentBeat Productions
+1 503-489-8275
[email protected]

“Work Jerks: How to Cope with Difficult Bosses and Colleagues” by Louise Carnachan

Originally published at