{"id":122818,"date":"2023-09-12T23:29:41","date_gmt":"2023-09-13T03:29:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/v2fr5er78d.funnewsdaily.com\/movies\/independent-filmmaker-bryan-brooks-impacts-the-movie-industry-with-thrilling-new-action-horror-film-wrecker\/"},"modified":"2023-09-12T23:29:41","modified_gmt":"2023-09-13T03:29:41","slug":"independent-filmmaker-bryan-brooks-impacts-the-movie-industry-with-thrilling-new-action-horror-film-wrecker","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/v2fr5er78d.funnewsdaily.com\/movies\/independent-filmmaker-bryan-brooks-impacts-the-movie-industry-with-thrilling-new-action-horror-film-wrecker\/","title":{"rendered":"Independent Filmmaker Bryan Brooks Impacts The Movie Industry With Thrilling New Action\/Horror Film \u201cWrecker\u201d"},"content":{"rendered":"



Leo Stewart, playing Ryder Storm, ready for battle<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


The bad guys take aim at Bryan Brooks <\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Knight and Knox in the dungeon<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Charlie Woods as Gothard<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Official Wrecker Movie Poster<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Years Of Work And Dedication Is The Only Way To Succeed When Competing With Big Studios Film Projects<\/i><\/p>\n

Let\u2019s be real, I know I\u2019m not competing with the Marvel films. But, several of those films left me feeling unsatisfied. Like I wasted my time watching the film.\u201d<\/b><\/p>\n

\u2014 Bryan Brooks<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

LONDON, MIDDLESEX, ENGLAND, September 12, 2023\/EINPresswire.com<\/a>\/ — (Lea a continuaci\u00f3n la versi\u00f3n en Espa\u00f1ol.)<\/p>\n

Independent filmmaker Bryan Brooks has devoted years of his life to the production of a unique and very entertaining horror\/action zombie film called Wrecker. It is an ambitious project for Brooks’ first movie but the filmmaker shows a promising future by delivering this high quality movie to audiences. The film\u2019s production value is every bit as robust as any big budget studio film due to the years of dedicated work Brooks put into the project. \u201cI didn\u2019t have the budget for top notch special effects and visuals so I took on the challenge of learning the programs myself. Several of the close up shots of myself in the film were shot solely by me, alone at my studio with no one else around. When you\u2019re dealing with a modest budget but you want to create quality cinema, it’s hard work that paves the way to your success,\u201d says Brooks. <\/p>\n

The feature length film is a heart-pounding thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seat from start to finish. It’s a must-see for any fan of independent film. Brooks was heavily influenced by the early work of cinematic great Sam Raimi, taking notes form the Evil Dead series, especially its third installment, Army of Darkness. Mirroring Raimi, Brooks believes interjecting comedy here and there within the film helps to break up the seriousness of the story and reminds the audience that what they are experiencing is nothing more than entertainment, not too be taken too seriously. After all, that\u2019s what a film is, entertainment. <\/p>\n

\u201cI made the movie I always wanted to see. A movie that invokes all of your feelings, happiness, sadness, anger, fear, excitement. I think the best movies are the ones that encapsulate the entire human experience, not just comedy, not just action,\u201d says Brooks.<\/p>\n

\u201cLet\u2019s be real, I know I\u2019m not competing with the Marvel films. But, several of those films left me feeling unsatisfied. Like I wasted my time watching the film. What I have created and put all my time into is an entertaining, thoughtful, engaging, emotion provoking story that won\u2019t leave its viewers feeling empty. And I\u2019ve done it for a fraction of a fraction of the cost of any big studio film project.\u00a0\u00a0I have mastered every aspect of the film making process in effort to reduce the cost to myself.\u00a0\u00a0It took years, but now I don\u2019t have to learn those skills again. They are part of my filmmaking arsenal, ready to set forth on my next project,\u201d continues Brooks.<\/p>\n

Before an audience member goes and passes judgment on any one film, they should keep in mind what it takes to create one. From conception to filming to final edit and sound design. It takes hundreds of individuals working together to complete the many steps needed for a film\u2019s completion. Imagine one man completed all of those steps himself, spent a decade learning all of those skills so he could be a one-man filmmaking machine. Now, watch the film with that in mind. Wrecker is an ambitious project for a single man to have accomplished. If fans of independent film would like to help independent filmmakers like Bryan Brooks achieve success, please click the links below and watch the film.<\/p>\n

Amazon Prime Video<\/a> <\/p>\n

Tubi<\/a> <\/p>\n

YouTube Movies<\/a><\/p>\n

En Espa\u00f1ol: <\/p>\n

El cineasta independiente Bryan Brooks ha dedicado a\u00f1os de su vida a la producci\u00f3n de una pel\u00edcula de terror y acci\u00f3n de zombies \u00fanica y muy entretenida llamada Wrecker. Es un proyecto ambicioso para la primera pel\u00edcula de Brooks, pero el cineasta muestra un futuro prometedor al presentar esta pel\u00edcula de alta calidad al p\u00fablico. El valor de producci\u00f3n de la pel\u00edcula es tan s\u00f3lido como el de cualquier pel\u00edcula de estudio de gran presupuesto debido a los a\u00f1os de trabajo dedicado que Brooks puso en el proyecto. \u201cNo ten\u00eda presupuesto para efectos especiales y visuales de primer nivel, as\u00ed que asum\u00ed el desaf\u00edo de aprender los programas yo mismo. Varios de los primeros planos m\u00edos en la pel\u00edcula fueron filmados \u00fanicamente por m\u00ed, solo en mi estudio, sin nadie m\u00e1s alrededor. Cuando se trata de un presupuesto modesto pero se quiere crear cine de calidad, el trabajo duro allana el camino hacia el \u00e9xito\u201d, afirma Brooks.<\/p>\n

Wrecker es un thriller trepidante que te mantendr\u00e1 al borde de tu asiento de principio a fin. Es una visita obligada para cualquier aficionado al cine independiente. Brooks estuvo fuertemente influenciado por los primeros trabajos del gran cineasta Sam Raimi, tomando notas de la serie Evil Dead, especialmente su tercera entrega, Army of Darkness. Imitando a Raimi, Brooks cree que intercalar comedia aqu\u00ed y all\u00e1 dentro de la pel\u00edcula ayuda a romper con la seriedad de la historia y recuerda a la audiencia que lo que est\u00e1n experimentando no es m\u00e1s que entretenimiento, y que no debe tomarse demasiado en serio. Al fin y al cabo, eso es lo que es una pel\u00edcula, entretenimiento.<\/p>\n

\u201cHice la pel\u00edcula que siempre quise ver. Una pel\u00edcula que invoca todos tus sentimientos, felicidad, tristeza, ira, miedo, emoci\u00f3n. Creo que las mejores pel\u00edculas son aquellas que resumen toda la experiencia humana, no s\u00f3lo la comedia, no s\u00f3lo la acci\u00f3n\u201d.<\/p>\n

\u201cSeamos realistas, s\u00e9 que no estoy compitiendo con las pel\u00edculas de Marvel. Pero varias de esas pel\u00edculas me dejaron insatisfecho. Como si perdiera el tiempo viendo la pel\u00edcula. Lo que he creado y en lo que he invertido todo mi tiempo es una historia entretenida, reflexiva, atractiva y que provoca emociones que no dejar\u00e1 a los espectadores sinti\u00e9ndose vac\u00edos. Y lo he hecho por una fracci\u00f3n del costo de cualquier proyecto cinematogr\u00e1fico de gran estudio. He dominado todos los aspectos del proceso de realizaci\u00f3n de pel\u00edculas en un esfuerzo por reducir el costo para m\u00ed. Me llev\u00f3 a\u00f1os, pero ahora no tengo que volver a aprender esas habilidades. Son parte de mi arsenal cinematogr\u00e1fico, listos para emprender mi pr\u00f3ximo proyecto\u201d.<\/p>\n

Antes de que un miembro de la audiencia juzgue cualquier pel\u00edcula, debe tener en cuenta lo que se necesita para crear una. Desde la concepci\u00f3n hasta el rodaje, pasando por el montaje final y el dise\u00f1o de sonido. Se necesitan cientos de personas trabajando juntas para completar los numerosos pasos necesarios para completar una pel\u00edcula. Ahora, imaginemos que un hombre hizo todos esos pasos por s\u00ed mismo, pas\u00f3 una d\u00e9cada aprendiendo todas esas habilidades para poder ser una m\u00e1quina cinematogr\u00e1fica unipersonal. Ahora mira la pel\u00edcula Wrecker con eso en mente. Si crees que no podr\u00eda competir con una franquicia de gran presupuesto como Marvel, est\u00e1s en lo cierto. Pero Wrecker es un proyecto ambicioso que podr\u00eda haber sido realizado por un solo hombre. Si desea ayudar a cineastas independientes como Bryan Brooks a lograr el \u00e9xito, haga clic en los enlaces de arriba y mire la pel\u00edcula.<\/p>\n

Bryan Petersen
Chrome Phoenix Studios
+1 213-793-6115
email us here<\/a>
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Official Wrecker Movie Trailer<\/p>\n
