The Hijacking of Flight 375, directed by Marcus Baldini, won Best Screenplay at the Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival

The Hijacking of Flight 375, directed by Marcus Baldini, won Best Screenplay at the Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival

Marcus Baldini at the opening night of the 16th LABRFF / Unique Nicole, Getty Images

Mikael de Albuquerque at LABRFF Awards / Marcus Daniel Ferreira

Mikael de Albuquerque, screenwriter, received the award at the Culver Theatre on October 26th

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, November 8, 2023 / — The feature film ‘The Hijacking of Flight 375’, directed by Marcus Baldini and scripted by Mikael de Albuquerque and Lusa Silvestre, is the winner of the 16th edition of the Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival in the Best Screenplay category. The festival, which celebrates Brazilian cinema in the international context, took place from October 23 to 26 at the Culver Theater in Culver City, CA. After Osama Bin Laden’s capture, agents seized several documents and newspaper clippings from his compound. One of these clippings was about the story of VASP flight 375. The film brilliantly portrays the 1989 event known as “Brazilian 9/11”, in which a man boards a VASP flight and hijacks it in an attempt to throw it into the Planalto Palace, the presidential palace.

Baldini and Albuquerque’s film was shown at the festival on October 24 in a room full of Brazilian and international filmmakers. After the final credits, they were joined by composer Plínio Profeta for a Q&A panel. “Showing the setting of that time and bringing this ‘ancient history’ into the current context without losing its essence” was one of the challenges faced by the director, Marcus Baldini. In addition, the screenwriter points out that the film was a technical, human, and political challenge to maintain current dialogues that also dialogue with the 1980s. “I have always seen this as a character-driven film, rather than an action film,” comments Albuquerque.

The Hijacking of Flight 375 is a film produced by Estúdio Escarlate and co-produced by Star Original Productions. The film is still running festivals and will soon be in theaters.

Thais Eliasen
t. PR
[email protected]

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