Bob Scaglione appointed as Executive Vice President of 6P Color

Showing Color out of Gamut

Logo shows the potential of adding to the 3 Red Green Blue to add Yellow and Cyan

6P Color

FCR Expanded Color is the Undeniable Future for Display Systems Worldwide

6P Color is bringing our Full Color Range innovation to products”

— Alan Page

BURBANK, CA, UNITED STATES, February 9, 2024 / — 6P Color is announcing the appointment of Bob Scaglione as Executive Vice President. Scaglione brings experience from publisher Ziff Davis, on-line advertising solution provider OwnerIQ and Consumer Electronics manufacturer Sharp Electronics. At Sharp Scaglione served as Chief Marketing Officer building demand in the Commercial and the Consumer Product segments.

Allen Page, JD, Board Chairman for 6P Color remarked, “6P Color is bringing our Full Color Range innovation to products. Bob has the business and market expertise to accelerate our transition.”

As part of the executive leadership team, Scaglione will be tasked with expanding relationships with display manufacturers and image processing experts to bring 6P Color’s, Full Color Range, FCR product insertions to market. Current displays support only about 45% of the visible color. Current imaging cameras capture all of the colors. But FCR allows a system approach to support all the color the human eye can see in the digital displays.

“Ever since my LCD-TV product marketing role at Sharp, we identified that expanding color in displays creates a great visual impact to the viewer. Missing color gamut needs exist in both the Consumer and Industrial display systems,” said Scaglione. 6P Color innovation provides to its customers, “Color Without Limits’’ allowing the world to finally see what they are missing in existing digital displays. 6P Color work with Post Production and Colorists provides a system approach that aligns to the current creative industry workflow. The need and implementation of Wide Color Gamut Displays is expanding rapidly across the industry.

About 6P Color

6P Color is a TX based company, providing colorimetric and multi-primary system solutions enabling creatives and manufacturers to make and market superior display solutions. With offices in Burbank CA, 6P Color, is an expert image processing, innovation, and human perception company. 6P Color is focused on Methods and Implementation for enabling wide color gamut in addition to more accurate and precise colors. By working to match the Human Visual System Perception of color, all content becomes more engaging and valuable. For more information visit and watch the FCR video. FCR is a trademark of 6P Color.

Gary Feather
6P Color, Inc
+1 360-607-7839
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