Founded in 2017, Loaded Cannon Distilled Spirits embarked on a spirited journey to not only produce unique, quality spirits but also to revive and celebrate the vibrant piracy heritage of the Sun Coast of Florida. The distillery has since been a hub of innovation, crafting a diverse array of spirits, each telling a tale of the region’s rich history and the brand’s commitment to uniqueness.
“Our priority isn’t to make money; we’re here to have fun and make our customers happy,” said the owner of Loaded Cannon. This philosophy is evident in the bold and innovative offerings of the distillery, from the fiery Jalapeno Vodka to the smooth, Copper Kissed Bourbon, and a myriad of uniquely flavored vodka.
This award highlights Loaded Cannon’s commitment to being “innovators, not duplicators,” and serves as a testament to their successful venture into uncharted territories of spirit-making. The Best of Florida Awards celebrates entities that encapsulate the vibrant and diverse ethos of Florida, making this win a significant milestone for Loaded Cannon in their ongoing journey.
In addition to their award-winning spirits, Loaded Cannon invites enthusiasts and the curious alike to experience the art of distilling through their engaging tours, offering an immersive experience into the world of handcrafted spirits. Each tour is a step into a story, an adventure, and a celebration of the pirate spirit that Loaded Cannon cherishes.
With this esteemed recognition, Loaded Cannon Distilled Spirits is not merely a name on the map but a navigator steering through the waters of the spirit-making world, with a treasure trove of exceptional spirits and a growing community of satisfied customers.
To learn more about Loaded Cannon Distilled Spirits, click here.
Steve Milligan
Loaded Cannon Distilled Spirits
+1 985-703-2333
email us here
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