Pre-Puberty Children’s Book Launches on Kickstarter, Gives Readers a Gender-Neutral Health & Biology Lesson on the Penis

Pre-Puberty Children’s Book Launches on Kickstarter, Gives Readers a Gender-Neutral Health & Biology Lesson on the Penis

Support the Kickstarter campaign beginning May 17, 2023

A sample page from The P Word: Why Do We Pee?

This groundbreaking pre-puberty body book answers questions kids might be too embarrassed to ask

A sample page from The P Word: Who Has a Penis?

Author David L. Hu includes wild mammal facts and examples to make awkward topics less intimidating

Kickstarter backers can now support a progressive health manual offering hygiene tips and fun facts about humans and animals to help kids understand the body

Finally, a factually fascinating, completely charming book about one particular body part that deserves normalized scientific conversation.”

— Dr. Cara Natterson, NYT Bestselling Author of The Care and Keeping of You

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, May 16, 2023/ — When a parent or child thinks about having “the talk,” the words that come to mind are probably awkward, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. But when did having open conversations about the body become such a stigma? And how do you go about answering your child’s questions about their body?

Fortunately, award-winning scientist and author Dr. David L. Hu understands the importance of providing a fun and educational manual that introduces kids to one of the most vital organs of the human body: the penis.

Pulling from his expertise as a mechanical engineer, a biologist, and a father, Dr. Hu developed The P Word: A Manual for Mammals to discuss everything a kid might want to know about the penis, but is embarrassed to––or didn’t know they could––ask.

Dr. Cara Natterson, New York Times Bestselling author of The Care and Keeping of You and Guy Stuff, puts it best: “Finally, a factually fascinating, completely charming book about one particular body part that deserves normalized scientific conversation.”

Science Naturally is launching The P Word on Kickstarter. Backers will be the first to receive copies of the book as well as access to six different activity sheets, including a discussion guide, word search, hands-on activities, and more. The campaign begins on May 17th, and will run until mid-June. This Kickstarter campaign gives backers first access to the one-of-a-kind book that offers candid answers to the questions kids have. Find more information, including a video and an inside look at the book on the campaign page.

The P Word takes away the stigma and judgment that can come with conversations and questions about the penis. Alongside information about their own bodies, kids will discover surprising facts about how different mammals around the globe use their penises to pee, mark their territory, and reproduce. This comparative biology makes learning fun and amusing, but helps young kids understand their penis outside the role of sex.

Dr. Hu explains, “I wrote this book for my 10-year-old son who, like many other children his age, is eager to learn more about his body. … It’s important not only to learn the purpose and function of the penis but, additionally, how to best care for this part of the body.”

Using gender-neutral language to remain inclusive and comprehensive, The P Word invites all children to understand the penis. With colorful and tasteful illustrations that are both humorous and anatomically accurate, this book will soar to the top of the list of resources that explain the urinary and reproductive organs at a level kids can understand. The P Word covers topics that include celebrating how every body looks different, the importance of drinking water and peeing when your body needs to, understanding what an erection is, and how to keep the pubic area clean and healthy.

Parents, librarians, and educators will find this book particularly useful. With its inclusiveness and emphasis on understanding the penis in order to keep it healthy, The P Word is a perfect tool for health educators. Additional resources are listed at the end of the book to provide ways to expand on the content and learn more about gender and puberty.

The P Word has earned Brain Child and Smart Book awards, and numerous endorsements from parents, educators, and health professionals. Whether a child is reading the book alone, together with a parent, or in health class, they will come away with a healthier understanding of their body and an excitement to discover more. “The P Word guides kids and their parents to a healthier understanding of their bodies,” says Nicholas M. Caruso, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling coauthor of Does It Fart?

David L. Hu, Ph.D., a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, studies the interactions of animals with water. He has discovered how dogs shake dry, how insects walk on water, and how eyelashes protect the eyes from drying. During his career, he’s won the Ig Nobel Prize in Physics, the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and the Pineapple Science Prize. His research has been featured in The Economist, The New York Times, Science Friday, Saturday Night Live, and Highlights for Children.

Illustrator Ilias Arahovitis was born in South Africa and raised in Athens, Greece, where he currently resides. He graduated from AKTO Art and Design College and has been illustrating children’s books for more than 25 years.

Science Naturally is a small independent press in Washington, D.C. Their books are distributed to the trade by the National Book Network [ (domestic) and (international)]. For more information about their publications, to arrange author interviews or graphics, for direct or bulk purchase pricing, or to request a review copy, please contact them. Cover images and sample content are available at

The P Word: A Manual for Mammals

Written by David Hu • Illustrated by Ilias Arahovitis

English • Ages 7-12 • 7 x 10” • 54 Pages

Hardcover first edition • July 2023 • ISBN: 978-1-938492-78-5 • $18.95

eBook first edition • July 2023 • ISBN: 978-1-938492-80-8 • 17.99

Caitlin Burnham
Science, Naturally!
+1 202-465-4798
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